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Hello, my name is Onial Besad and I am a freelancer. I enjoy helping people with their projects by creating content for different websites. is one of them!

Sweden is located in northern Europe on the Scandinavian Peninsula and is the largest of the Nordic countries.

Is It Safe in Sweden?

Even though since the 80’s crime rates have steadily been on the rise, Sweden is very safe in general to visit but watch out when walking the streets of especially at night and during weekends. There are areas to be avoided because of violent crimes and robberies being more and more common like in Rinkeby in Stockholm. The nearest patrol car might be a hundred kilometers away in the rural areas of Norrland and the majority of Sweden is actually quite weakly policed. Keep a safe distance and never get involved in one if ever you see a street fight. Do not argue with security guards or bouncers since they are legally allowed to use force if needed and they will use that legal power against you. Avoid looking Swedes directly in the eyes as it might provoke them if such a situation presents itself because they are known to avoid eye contact especially in dangerous or uncomfortable situations. There are pickpockets but it isn’t a serious issue in this country because they usually operate in tourist-frequented areas and crowded places such as bus, train stations, airports, and shopping areas.

Useful Information

  • Visas – some countries do not need a visa to enter Sweden if staying shorter than 90 days but might need to acquire a visa if staying longer than 90 days.
  • Currency – Sweden’s official money is Swedish Krona.
  • Weather – Sweden has a mild climate compared to other Scandinavian countries. Temperatures in July are between 13 and 17°C while the temperatures drop as low as 22°C in February which is the coldest month in Sweden. Winters are freezing in Northern Sweden with temperatures that often drop to 30°C or even lower.
  • Airports – Sweden ’s busiest airport is the Stockholm Arlanda Airport that is located in the Sigtuna Municipality of Sweden, around 37 kilometers north of Stockholm.
  • Travel insurance – since it covers not only the costs of medical problems but also theft and loss of valuables, it is recommended getting travel insurance when traveling to Sweden.

Sweden’s Warnings and Dangers

  • Women traveler risk – except in some parts such as Rinkeby in Stockholm after dark, Sweden is generally safe for women traveling solo.
  • Scam risk – the risk of scammers is not too high but double check everything.
  • Terrorism risk – in the light of recent events and terrorist attacks in Europe, they shouldn’t be ruled out and remain aware of your surroundings at all times.
  • Mugging risk – it is uncommon in Sweden so is kidnapping. It is suggested that you stay cautious constantly.
  • Natural disaster risk – there is some risk mostly connected to the fact that this country is below freezing point during winter.
  • Pickpockets risk – some risk of pickpockets is mostly around tourist landmarks and crowded places such as airports, bus and train stations, or shopping centers.
  • Transport and taxi rate – Taxis and other means of transportation are very safe and reliable in Sweden.

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